My Gramma Roxie passed away last night.
She would have been 89 on Nov 5th. (11.05.1920-10.15.2009)
Her Sweetheart, Granddad Orr, passed away 15 years ago.
She has 7 children. 43 Grandchildren (I'm number 41) 126 Great Grandchildren. 2? Great-Great Grandchildren. And...she knew every...single...persons name. And their spouse! (She even gave nicknames to all 8 siblings in my family. She would call me by that every time we talked on the phone)
She was the most talented lady I have ever met. Up until she got really sick ,which was maybe a couple of weeks ago, she was still teaching piano to 15 students a week and quilting! She loved putting on show's for others. Whether it was her piano students recitals, or her own personal recitals. Gramma Foxie Roxie was a Star.
She lived in Show Low. And most people from there, knew her and loved her. She has lived there for so many years. Some of my favorite childhood memories are from going to Show Low to visit, exploring in her backyard and the woods right across the street. We would be gone for hours...and waking up to her making us grandkids breakfast, watching her make her famous pies, and chicken noodle soup for Thanksgiving. Admiring all of her quilts, sewing projects, and my personal favorites, her accessories. She was visiting me in Provo about 4yrs ago and I was admiring this beautiful gold ring with purple stones and she took it off her finger and insisted I have it because I loved it so much. I have always had a love for the necklaces and rings she wore.
I am her youngest Grand Daughter and was so happy she was able to make it to my wedding and be there for that special day. She sings at all of her grandkids weddings, and she got the privilege to sing at mine, not only once, but twice! She was so thrilled. I will never forget those moments.

My Guy was ever so kind to drive me up to Show Low this past Monday after work. We had to borrow his brothers rental car since both of our vehicles need new tires. We got on the road at 5pm, arrived to her home at 7:30pm and were home to Gilbert at 11pm. The moment we stepped into her home, I started crying. As My Guy and I went into her room to say our last goodbyes, I cried even more. We kneeled down next to her bed. She was beautiful as ever. Wearing her favorite pink silky nighty. Even with all the pain she had to have been in, she was in such high spirits. She told My Guy how grateful she was for him entering into my life and how important is it to always take care of me. She was so happy to have met him and experience our special day with us. As she looked at him in the eyes, she told him how much she loved him and loved how much he loves me. My Guy told her to "Have fun up there" and she giggled and said "Oh...I will!" We kissed her goodbye and left the room. It was the hardest thing I have had to do in a very long time. I haven't lost someone close to me in 10 years. And having her being my last Grandparent made it that much harder for me. I am so happy she passed peacefully and that the last memory I have of her, she was in such high spirits. She was cracking jokes all night long to every family member that went into her room. I am also grateful for the 2-3 weeks that went by in the summer when she called me if not once, twice a day. I giggled every time she called because she had never called me so much. She had a new Mac computer and would call asking ME if I knew how to work it! Please...we have one and I STILL don't know what I am doing with it...
I am grateful for the hand made quilt I have from you and the hand stitched dish towels I got. I will do something special with them so they never get ruined.
I love you Grandma Roxie. Thank you for teaching me some of the best life lessons. You will be talked about for generations. Take care of my children and watch over them up in Heaven, as they are waiting for My Guy and I to get ready and be prepared for them down here. I am as nervous as ever to start a family, but knowing you're there helping them makes me feel a lot better. I hope my daughters can be as talented as you. And I hope that one of them will get your name. If not a first, a middle. You are one of my Angels watching over me. Grandma, no ones Apple Pies will ever be as good as yours. I wish I would have taken the time for you to teach me. Thank you for supporting me in everything I did. For flying all the way to New York to just see me in the Hill Cumorah Pageant 3 years ago. I will never forget your warm kisses, smile or your giggle.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
Your Moonbeam
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